Damn Little Fairy (1)

Zuo Hancheng chuckled, and his chest that was pressed against hers trembled slightly, causing her heart to tremble.""Little thing, you don't mean what you say…"

Anhao didn't resist his embrace. She felt that since she had chosen to come to S City to " catch an adulterer ", she should really face her feelings.

If she didn't like him or care about him, why would she act like a woman?

She didn't even dare to think about catching an adulterer in the past.

She leaned her head on his shoulder and suddenly felt that she was greedily breathing in his unique scent. It was a unique fragrance that belonged to a man. It smelled good and gave people a special sense of security.

Wenner said that she was afraid of the trauma of her childhood because she lacked a sense of security. She should look for something that could make her feel safe. So, was Zuo Hancheng one of her security now?