Explosion (1)

"Zuo Hancheng! Where is Zuo Hancheng?"

When some workers came to stop her, she waved their hands away and turned to glare at them."Is President Zuo from Shengling Group here yet? Did he go in? Where is he now?"

"Miss, you…"

Seeing that they had come forward to stop her, Anhao turned around and rushed in with a cold expression.

She ran to a road near the building and finally saw a familiar MPV. Mobai was also sitting beside the MPV, looking at the building plans and discussing something with the workers beside him.

Mobai and the carriage were there, but Zuo Hancheng was nowhere to be seen.

Anhao quickly ran over.

The workers behind her were still chasing after her."Miss, you can't enter this place casually. Don't run. Miss, stop right there…"

Mobai raised his head when he heard the commotion and saw Anhao running over hurriedly. She was sweating profusely in such cold weather. He looked at her in confusion and signaled the workers not to stop her.