Her Husband Is Too Black-bellied (5)

Zuo Hancheng scoffed." It's useless even if you swear on your head. Zuo Yue, that girl, has revealed everything about you to the old man. If I don't bring you back next month, I'll be the first to die.""

Anhao looked at him with an aggrieved expression and fell onto the bed weakly.""Call the nurse. I think I have a fever. My head hurts. Cough cough…I still have a cough…I might still have some hidden illness that I haven't found out yet. I won't be able to take a plane for the next six months…"

As she was acting fervently, Zuo Hancheng glanced at her and turned to leave silently.


Anhao laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling sullenly. She then looked down at her stomach and covered her head with the blanket as she cried.


At night, the doctor is on duty in the room.