Her Husband Is Too Black-bellied (9)

Anhao sighed and walked over. She had planned to enter the elevator after Rongxue and the others had gone upstairs, so that they would not be unhappy when they saw each other. However, just as she was about to turn around and lean against the wall to wait for a while, she suddenly met Rongxue's gaze when she turned around.

As soon as their eyes met, Rong Xue's cold gaze fell on the patient's gown on her body, as if she was very dissatisfied and disliked why she was still in the hospital.

Seeing that she couldn't avoid it, Anhao could only raise her eyebrows and raise her hand to greet her politely.

Again, Rong Xue's cold gaze lowered her hand and turned around to walk directly to the side. At this time, the elevator stopped at the first floor.

When they arrived at the floor where the ward was located, Anhao coincidentally bumped into Rong Xue, who was walking out of another elevator at the same time.