What Did She See (3)

Anhao was sitting in a taxi on the side of the plaza outside Shengling Group. Her phone rang once before it was muted.

She lowered her head and looked at the phone screen that kept lighting up. She saw Zuo Hancheng's name on the screen. She did not pick up or hang up. She just leaned her head against the car window and remained silent.

She did not want to do anything willfully, nor did she want to cry and make a scene. This was not her character.

Even though there was a moment when she really wanted to rush in and slap Rong Xue before leaving.

She had endured it for Zuo Hancheng's sake, but she needed to calm down.

She just wanted to find a place to sit quietly for a while or find a friend to talk to.

Perhaps she could divert her attention. When she came back to her senses and thought about these things, she would be much more clear-headed.