You're Mine Tonight (3)

"Miss Gu, you don't have common sense. It's better to eat less of this kind of thing. Besides, you're just pregnant."

Chengxin pressed the words " just pregnant " a little slowly, but Anhao looked at her with a natural expression and said with a smile,""I heard that when a woman is pregnant, she'll almost lose her mind when she's hungry, so it's fine even if I secretly eat a few mouthfuls."

Seeing that she couldn't get anything out of him, Chengxin walked in and sat on the sofa opposite Anhao.""Miss Gu, you've just gotten pregnant and you're already walking around so frequently. As far as I know, you walked around the company for more than two hours before sitting down to rest."

"My husband said that walking more is good for the body. This is considered exercise for the baby."Anhao raised her eyebrows.

Chengxin was speechless for a moment. She just smiled and put down her handbag. She sat on the sofa and looked at her quietly without saying anything.