Finally Twenty (4)

Upon hearing that the old man had a share of the red packet, Anhao immediately took the red packet and bowed to Mother Zuo and the old man."" Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Grandpa!"

Xu Yuan's smile was so wide that she couldn't keep her mouth shut. However, the old man turned his head away like a sulky old child and didn't look at her.

Seeing Gu Anhao bow profusely with three big red packets in her hands, Zuo Hancheng's lips curled into a smile. He patted her shoulder and said,""It seems that Grandpa has already begun to accept you in his heart. It's just that he's unwilling to let go of his face."

His voice was neither loud nor soft, but everyone here could hear him.

The old man immediately turned around and retorted," I didn't accept her. Your parents took the red packet on their own accord. They even gave me a share. They said that they wanted Gu Anhao to be happy and that I would give her face. I didn't have the time to reject them!"