It's So Hot, Help Me (4)

When the door was opened again, Anhao had already fallen asleep on the sofa due to the accelerated metabolism of her body due to the drug.

Zuo Hancheng lowered his gaze and looked at the little woman whose cheeks were still red after she fell asleep. He bent down and picked her up by the waist.

The moment he lifted her up, Anhao instinctively found a comfortable position in his arms. She instinctively rubbed her head against his chest and mumbled,""My mother has never killed anyone…My mother…He's a good person..."

Zuo Hancheng paused for a moment and looked down at Anhao who was talking in her sleep. He stared at her quietly for a long time before he turned around and carried her to the big bed. When Anhao was placed on the bed, she turned over on the bed. Her long hair was messy and scattered beside her ears, and her fair face was covered in sweat.