The Favorite (2)

Gu Tianming pointed at her face angrily."When did this happen? How long have you been hiding it from me?"

Mrs. Gu finally saw the seriousness of the matter from Gu Tianming's attitude. She stood up." Gu Anhao married Zuo Hancheng about four or five months ago. Shishi and I didn't believe it at the time, and we only found out after a long time. We weren't sure, so we didn't tell you…"

"What do you mean by not sure? Why would she marry someone like Zuo Hancheng? How did she know Zuo Hancheng? How much do you two know?" Gu Tianming's brows were deeply furrowed, and he was clearly anxious and uneasy.

Mrs. Gu frowned." Actually, I've always thought that it was strange. Why would someone like Zuo Hancheng keep Gu Anhao by his side? Not only is Gu Anhao's age unsuitable for marriage, but her status is also too far away. I didn't expect that he would really…"