Tonight, Tonight (2)

Zuo Hancheng really did not work overtime today. He left the office with Anhao on time.

However, the two of them took the CEO's private elevator directly to the parking lot. After getting into the car, Anhao was so hungry that she kept complaining that she wanted to eat crayfish.

Zuo Hancheng saw a small pimple on her chin and chose to ignore her cries. He took her to eat some light herbal dishes and told her that she had lost a lot of weight recently. He told her to eat less spicy and stimulating things in the future and to eat some herbal dishes occasionally to improve her physique.

While Anhao was eating, although she didn't dislike the delicious herbal dish, she still mumbled as she ate,""Do I need to eat this kind of thing at my age? My face is full of protein, and my body is full of energy. Do I need to supplement it…"

Although he said that, he was still full.