Love Is the Superstition of Time and Place (1)

In the end, he had sex with her again in the bathtub.

Moreover, she had just experienced a night of suffering, and in the blink of an eye, she was in the water like this. She had a premonition that her future life would probably be dark from now on.

The heavy rain lasted for a day and a night. It finally stopped at five o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

The traffic jam outside was still ongoing. When Anhao and Zuo Hancheng returned to Liu Jing Garden, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

When they got home, Anhao collapsed on the sofa like a boneless doll. She raised her hand and said,""I can't take it anymore. Zuo Hancheng, you have to let me go upstairs to sleep alone tonight. I need to rest, or I'll die!"

What was the consequence of having to stay in the hotel for the whole day because of the heavy rain and traffic jam?

Was there a need to ask?