It's Most convenient in the Office (6)

Lin Qing gave An Shi a pleading look before bringing the secretaries back to the secretary's office.

Anhao was still standing outside Zuo Hancheng's office. She finally raised her hand and knocked on the door.

At first, there was no response. After she knocked twice, Zuo Hancheng's lukewarm voice finally came through."Come in."

Anhao held the disinfectant towel in her hand as she opened the door and walked in. The moment she met Zuo Hancheng's gaze, she glanced around.

"What are you looking for?" Zuo Hancheng asked directly when he saw her looking around after she entered the room.

"I was thinking, your office is so big, where should I start cleaning?"Anhao raised the disinfectant cloth in her hand." I also heard that the logistics department can't come to your office just because they want to. Only specially arranged people can come in and clean it. I have to pay my respects.""