I Want To Be Above (3)

"Hey, Anhao, you're the first person in the company who hasn't been upset by the logistics manager and team leader for so long."

A week later, Anhao had learned to restrain her temper and get along with her colleagues. At noon, a colleague told her this in the staff cafeteria.

Anhao's internship at Shengling Group seemed peaceful, but in fact, everyone was secretly guessing who her background was.

Seeing that she only needed to intern here for about a week before she could go home and rest for two days to prepare for school, Anhao smiled at them.""Maybe it's because I'm young, but the manager and the team leader aren't willing to argue with me."

Who said that she must have a bad brain just because she was young? Who said that she would really cause trouble in this company just because Zuo Hancheng wanted to train her? Gu Anhao wasn't a retard. She knew better than anyone what she should and shouldn't do.