The More I Love, the Greedier I Get (2)

" Mrs. Zuo, please don't avoid our question. XX TV Station and XXX Entertainment are doing a live broadcast. Now, we can see the situation here directly on the Internet and TV. I hope Mrs. Zuo can tell us..."

Anhao held her bag tightly as she endured.

"Mrs. Zuo, is being a mistress so blissful? Did you log into President Zuo's Facebook account and post that photo on his Facebook account not long ago?"

"Yeah, after all, President Zuo is such a low-key person who has never posted a word on Facebook, a place where the world's attention is on, but he suddenly posted a photo of you and said that this is his wife. He even replied to one of the netizens that you are very beautiful and cute."

"Mrs. Zuo, you look very smart. Your methods must be superb. May I ask how you managed to snatch a figure like Zuo Hancheng away from Alice?"

Anhao was expressionless at first, but she suddenly smiled and kept smiling as she looked at the cameras.