Anhao, Be Good, Untie Me (1)

Zuo Hancheng took another look at her wrist and saw that there was a slight scratch on her wrist. He frowned slightly.

"The person inside is the contractor of a new construction base in the suburbs of a few of the company's subsidiary companies. Because they were found to have cut corners not long ago, they were fined according to the contract and were removed from the construction industry's list. They have no choice but to take over. They are so bold that they want to forcefully take you away and force me to give them a way out."Zuo Hancheng said as he put down her hand.

Anhao rubbed her wrist again and said,""Why didn't you find a professional to kidnap them? Those two thin and tall men were obviously supporting the scene. They were defeated by me in two moves, okay? I'll kidnap them."

Zuo Hancheng looked at her coldly.""Starting tomorrow, I'll send someone to pick you up."