Anhao, Be Good, Untie Me (3)

Zuo Hancheng acted as if he did not hear their conversation. He casually shook the newspaper in his hand, flipped a page, and continued reading.

Tsk, it seemed that no matter how old a man was, he would be so carefree when his mother was by his side.

There were people preparing breakfast and others helping to clean up all kinds of chores at home. He woke up early today and actually had time to read the newspapers before going to work.

Anhao glanced at him and rolled her eyes. She lowered her head and continued to eat her toast.

"When you went to the United States, Aunt Wang's cooking seemed to be to your liking. I don't know if my cooking will suit your taste."Xu Yuan smiled and poured her another glass of warm milk.""Tell Mom what you like to eat. You don't have to be polite with me."