Four weeks and five days of pregnancy (1)

Anhao's head also didn't go back, opened the door and sat in, hand didn't know whether it was drenched or numb, or how it kept trembling.

After starting the car, he drove the car at an amazing speed. His hands were trembling, and all the images in his mind were intertwined. Even the places where he was hit by the stick when he was fighting with Rong Qian were crying in pain.

The moment Zuo Hancheng chased after her, all he saw was the bloodstains on Anhao's shoulders and back as she ran in the rain. Just as he was a few steps away, she suddenly jumped into the car.

The moment he saw the Ferrari speeding into the road, Zuo Hancheng experienced what it meant to be terrified for the first time in his life!

Why was there a car!

Anhao didn't know how to drive at all! Even if he held the steering wheel, he could at most follow suit and drive a few meters. It was absolutely impossible for him to drive on the road! She didn't even have a driver's license!