Can't Beat Him (8)

When she came out of the KFC, Anhao was still holding half a bucket of spicy chicken wings in her hands. She really could not eat anymore, and Zuo Hancheng did not help her eat.

Didn't they say that he didn't like red meat? Chicken wasn't considered red meat, but he actually disliked it even more.

This man hated too many things. Although he had already broken many principles for her, Anhao felt that it was very strange. Was ketchup that bad? She clearly felt that it was not bad when she ate it.

Later, before the movie ended, Anhao only glanced at the latest movie poster at the entrance of the cinema. It was a romantic film. She didn't think much of it at first, but she thought that the male star on the poster was not bad. It seemed to be a new handsome boy who had debuted recently and was especially liked by the girls in A High School.

However, just because she took a second look, Zuo Hancheng asked her directly if she wanted to go to the movies.

Watching a movie!