Zuo Clan's Tyrannical (5)

Anhao's gaze was as cold as usual." Since Qi Weiran's grandfather is the most senior general in the military, and even Zuo Hancheng is currently being attacked from both sides, what can a person in the entertainment industry like you do?""

"I'm reminding you that you should know your place. I told you a long time ago that a young but self-righteous girl like you will only cause trouble in Han City. Forget about the small troubles in the past, but do you know what you've done this time? This is a big problem!" Rong Xue's eyes were filled with hatred and disdain as she said,""You've always been a burden to him!"

"When parents give birth to a child, they are destined to start by cleaning up their child's mess. I have been causing trouble for Zuo Hancheng since the first day I married him. My husband hasn't even complained yet. What right do you have to stand here and tell me to know my place?"