Divorce Agreement Does Not Take Effect (3)

The international flight to A City landed at the airport of A City.

A city's five moons, the sun was shining brightly, and Anhao walked out of the airport lobby, facing the rising sun and walking towards the direction of the high-speed rail station.

Three years and two months had passed, but the air, smell, and everything in City A's airport had not changed.

It was as if she had never left.

After Anhao returned to China, she had to find a job immediately. Fortunately, a few good friends in the United States helped her with a very good resume before she returned to China. She immediately sent her resume out and received an interview notice from two companies before she boarded the plane.

Therefore, she planned to take the high-speed rail to City A as soon as possible. After finding a place to stay, she would go for the interview as soon as possible.