President Zuo Has Arrived (2)

Anhao looked around at the judges and hesitated for a moment before answering,"" Because I grew up in City A, I naturally have a different feeling for the hometown where I was born and raised. Even if there are thousands of good things in America, since I have the dream of rebuilding my hometown with the blueprint in my heart, I will definitely come back."

Her answer was actually meant for the other members of the judging panel to hear. After all, no matter how she answered, it was basically nonsense to Zuo Hancheng.

A few of the judges nodded after hearing this. They felt that she was not bragging about her so-called dream. Instead, she had actually mentioned her nostalgia for her hometown. She had put in a lot of effort. Therefore, the judges 'first impression of her suddenly improved a lot.

However, when Anhao's gaze fell in Zuo Hancheng's direction again, she saw that there was no extra expression on his face. There was only a hint of mockery in his eyes.