President Zuo's Insomniac Syndrome (3)

However, Zuo Hancheng's appearance at the interview that day was completely out of his expectations. However, his attitude was as if he was looking at a stranger.

Regardless, she knew that Zuo Hancheng knew that she was back and that she was in A City. However, she could meet anyone and reunite with anyone for so many days, but she never saw Zuo Hancheng again.

It was like two people from two completely parallel worlds. There was no relationship or connection between them. The two parallel worlds could not capture each other's traces at all.

It was as if Anhao had already understood a long time ago that people like Zuo Hancheng were not people she could get close to, let alone his status.

If they had no relationship, it meant that they really had no relationship anymore. Even if they were in A City, people like him could not be seen easily.