I Like You (1)

It was the weekend after just two days of work, so Anhao worked overtime until late on Friday night before going back home. She originally wanted to have a good sleep on Saturday morning before thinking about attending the dinner on Monday.

However, on Saturday morning, she was bombarded with phone calls as soon as she reached the stage of deep sleep. She turned over under the blanket and reached for the phone with a frown. When she saw that the caller was Rong Qian, she threw the phone on the carpet under the bed and did not want to answer it.

However, the phone continued to ring on the carpet. An An sat up angrily and scratched her hair. She bent down and picked up the phone in frustration. She picked up the phone and was about to scold him when Rong Qian's order came from the other end,"Pick me up at City A's airport in two and a half hours."