I Like You (4)

"This is what I've used before. Don't drink it!"

As soon as Anhao rushed over, she grabbed the cup. However, she failed to snatch it away. Rong Qian grabbed her wrist and pulled her over when she was completely unprepared.

Anhao quickly straightened her body to avoid falling into his arms, but due to inertia and momentum, she fell onto the sofa.

"Alright." Rong Qian wasn't unhappy because she dodged. Instead, he saw Anhao's uncombed hair fly up a little when she fell onto the sofa. Finally, it was scattered around her snow-white neck. His eyes darkened and he pressed her down the moment she was about to get up. At the same time, when Anhao glared at him, he raised his hand and firmly held her wrist that was about to resist. He leaned closer to her face.