Going to Shengling Group (5)

"There's no need to go through so much trouble. President Zuo just finished his meeting. I'll go up and show it to him."Mobai said as he looked at her.

Anhao paused for a moment and immediately smiled awkwardly."There's no need. My colleague and I are waiting for you outside."

"It's so hot outside. Come with me."Mobai turned around and left.

Anhao didn't move until Mobai reached the elevator door. He glanced at Zi Ran, who was standing beside him, then turned back to look at Anhao, who still hadn't followed him. He raised his eyebrows and, because he knew her colleagues were present, he said in a more formal tone,""Director Gu?"

Anhao heard him call her that and knew that he was reminding her of her current identity. Since she was here for work, she couldn't throw a tantrum.