Mr. V, Zuo Hancheng (1)

The email to Mr. V finally received a reply at noon.

Anhao opened the email that had been online and saw Mr. V's short reply: Not bad.

Did that mean that he already knew that Mobai had introduced her to him and had given his tacit approval to her design style? She could directly accept the job?

However, Mr. V only replied with the word " not bad " and did not take the initiative to contact her. Even if she knew the location of his seaside villa, she did not have the key, so she could not go to measure the ruler or tour the environment.

Should she take the initiative to contact Mr. V? What was the best thing to do?

Mobai was also quite busy. He had helped her so much, so she couldn't keep pestering Mobai with questions.

Anhao looked at the reply on the screen. She held her chin with one hand and held the pencil that she used to draw a sketch with the other hand. She stared at the screen and gradually fell into a daze.