Zuo Hancheng's Conditions (4)

Anhao thanked Mr. V and said that she would find a friend to figure out the password as soon as possible. Then, she turned off the computer.

Her restless heart suddenly felt much calmer. After taking a shower, she fell into bed, but Zuo Hancheng's words still rang in her ears.

"The only place you can go is by my side."


On the weekend two days later, Anhao asked Mobai about the specific route to the resort and took two bus stops to the resort.

She had coincidentally seen the blueprint of the resort when she was at Zuo Hancheng's place, so she went straight to the residential area for sale. She found that there were only about twenty villas here, but they were expensive. Moreover, the buildings developed by Shengling Group had always been difficult to get a house. Even if you had money, you might not be able to buy one.