The Sexy Kitten Style Nightgown (5)

Anhao raised her eyebrows." No, I'll take advantage of the fact that my body is gradually recovering its strength to kill you when you walk out of the bathroom. This is self-defense.""

When Mo Yunfei looked at her in surprise, Anhao sneered,""You should be glad that I spared your life, but unfortunately, Zuo Hancheng won't let you go."

As soon as she finished speaking, Anhao opened the door and walked out.

However, the moment she opened the door and walked out, she suddenly saw Zuo Hancheng, who had returned from the backyard. He was standing outside the interrogation room.

Anhao was shocked for a moment, but she remained calm and closed the door behind her. Then, she looked at Zuo Hancheng and the police officers behind him.

She suspected that Zuo Hancheng and the police officers had heard what she had just said inside.

Anhao cleared her throat, as if nothing had happened, as if saying: "Have you dealt with the people brought by the Mo family?"