Wife Protector Zuo Hancheng (2)

However, Zuo Hancheng glanced at Wenner and said calmly,""She already knows."

Wenner instantly choked and looked at Anhao.""You know?"

Anhao's lips twitched, and she put on an innocent face.""What do I know…Actually, I don't understand it very well either…"

Zuo Hancheng suddenly turned around and looked at her seriously. Anhao instinctively froze when she met his gaze.

It was not until Zuo Hancheng leaned over to her ear and said in a low voice that everyone in the private room could hear,""Mrs. Zuo, if you don't understand, why would you really stay in my current residence in a panic? Wenner wasn't anyone else. There was no need to play such psychological tactics with him. You couldn't even defeat me with this kind of tactic, and you still want to fight with a person who specialized in psychology? Can't you tell that he's trying to trick you?"