She's Actually Mrs. Zuo (11)

Zuo Hancheng glanced at the young lady who was standing beside them with her mouth agape in shock.

Zuo Hancheng lowered his gaze and glanced at Anhao.""Your friend?"

"Yes, a very generous young lady. She's also the colleague who has always been the most protective of me in our office."Anhao replied softly.

Zuo Hancheng looked at Anhao's calm but still somewhat uncomfortable expression again. He smiled faintly and turned to face those who were still shocked." I'm here today to accompany my wife to the first real celebration party in her life. You can do whatever you need to do. After all, the theme tonight is the design department of Zheng F, not Shengling Group. I'm here as an escort, so I won't disturb your fun."


Someone else's phone or handbag fell to the ground.