3,000 in Ruo Shui (2)

In the banquet hall, Bureau Chief Chen from the Construction Bureau was already walking towards them. Before Anhao could even walk to Zuo Hancheng's side, Bureau Chief Chen had already come forward to shake hands with Zuo Hancheng with a polite smile.

Anhao slowed down her pace and didn't rush over to avoid disturbing their serious discussion. However, she could still hear their conversation from the side.

First, they talked about how the reconstruction project of the gymnasium and cultural center had been going well so far. Then, they talked about how the leaders of Beijing were very concerned about the reconstruction project of A City in the past two years. They thanked Zuo Hancheng for his cooperation with the government and said that they would continue to work together in the future.

However, Zuo Han had always replied in a calm manner. He was polite, not overly warm, but not overly cold. It was just a simple conversation between a businessman and a politician.