The Other Side of Zuo Hancheng (4)

"Yes!" Huang Amao crossed his arms and said frankly,""It's all because you almost got into an accident because of me that inspired me to work hard in the police station. Otherwise, I definitely wouldn't have signed up for this month's police intern assessment. I'd rather continue to be a useless operator."

"How long do you need to practice?"

"I don't know. I'm waiting for the assessment. Don't think that it's easy to become a police officer. Even if I can pull some strings at home, I have to ensure that I can protect myself when I eliminate the violent and appease the good. As long as I can protect myself, I can protect the common people. I have a lot to learn."

Anhao understood what Huang Amao meant. Coincidentally, she wasn't wearing her work attire today but a light sportswear. She lifted her leg and placed it on the car behind Huang Amao."Do you need me to teach you a few moves?"