Can't You Be Gentle (2)

Bai Weiwei knew Zuo Hancheng's habits. Even though he was already very impatient with them tonight, the icy gaze in his eyes just now was definitely unusual!

She suddenly turned around and looked at Department Director Xue, who was about to push the colleague beside her back to the private room."What exactly happened?"

Department Director Xue looked at the colleagues beside him, then looked at the confusion in Bai Weiwei's eyes. It was as if he felt that he had not helped because of his loyalty.

It seemed like a disaster was coming…

Zuo Hancheng walked out of the entertainment city, but Anhao's phone was still not picked up. It was no longer raining outside, but the air was still a little cold after the rain. He looked around and saw that Anhao was nowhere to be seen. Zuo Hancheng looked at his phone and saw that no one was picking up. His expression was as cold as the night. He then looked at the cars passing by in front of him, and his eyes were sharp.
