Intense, Inside the Car (6)

"Zuo Hancheng, don't do anything rash!" Anhao realized that he was really angry and panicked. However, as soon as she finished speaking, his hand forcefully pulled her hand away from her chest.

"Gu Anhao, you're still capable!"Zuo Hancheng completely ignored the fact that she had raised her hand to protect her chest again and squeezed between her legs.

Anhao would not have resisted his closeness. It was not like they had not done it before, but that did not mean that she could accept him doing it right here and now!

When his hand suddenly grabbed the back of her head and forced her to kiss him deeply and heavily, Anhao struggled violently under his body. She tried her best to break free from his restraint and raised her hand to push him away from his shoulder. She looked up at the fire in Zuo Hancheng's eyes and felt as if her heart was about to be burned out by the fire in his eyes.