Pushing Left Boss Down (2)

In the middle of summer in Los Angeles, even the air was stuffy.

The two of them had just returned to the room, and they had not had the time to turn on the air conditioner.

Anhao could not describe the feeling of fullness in her heart. It was just that Zuo Hancheng had not been by her side for the past two days and she had been alone in the Zuo family home. She had previously explained that the reason why she slept in Zuo Yue's room was not because she had fallen asleep there and did not come back.

It was because this room belonged to Zuo Hancheng. When she was alone here, she always felt that something was missing in her heart. If she had not returned to the Zuo family with Zuo Hancheng, she would have been living alone in his room. This feeling was really too torturous.

However, she did not want to tell him these reasons and the inexplicable emotions in her heart. She only hugged his shoulders tightly when they kissed.