Entering From Behind Is Not Bad (1)

In fact, Anhao only had more wounds on her back. Some glass shards had pierced into her flesh and she needed anesthesia to reduce the pain.

This was not considered an internal injury, but she had lost a lot of blood. Coupled with the unbearable pain, she looked much paler.

Her consciousness gradually cleared. When she saw Zuo Hancheng, she smiled subconsciously."When the doctor was treating the wound, I heard you getting angry."

However, her consciousness at that time was too blurry due to the anesthesia. Her eyes were dark and she could not see clearly. She did not know what they had said.

Seeing that she could still smile after waking up, Zuo Hancheng pushed the hair on both sides of her cheeks behind her ears.""There are a few stitches on the wound on his back. It should be painful for two days after the anesthetic effect wears off completely."