Zuo Hancheng, Vllen (1)

The violent collision continued. This modified car had bulletproof equipment, but the tires had already exploded. Even if the bullets could not penetrate the car, there were still countless cars that were heading toward them.

It was only when Anhao felt the body of the car shaking violently that she felt the darkness in front of her turn upside down. She grabbed the armrest behind her to support her body, trying to reduce the violent impact of the car when it overturned. However, her hands were tied and she could only hold on for a few seconds before she fell down and fell hard.

For a moment, her nose was filled with the smell of thick smoke. It was obvious that the car had been hit somewhere and leaked gasoline or there was a possibility of spontaneous combustion. When she barely got up, she heard a series of gunshots outside. Then, it was as if the whole world suddenly fell silent.