Zuo Hancheng, Vllen (3)

Looking at all the information and pictures about Zuo Hancheng on the screen, Anhao's eyes fell on the man's face. He looked at the emotions that flashed across her eyes with a faint smile.

All of a sudden, he reached out his hand. Anhao instinctively shrank back, but she could only lean against the car door behind her. The man's hand brushed away the strands of hair that were stuck to her cheeks. Then, he stared at her face for a long time before he slowly lowered his eyes to look at the enlarged photo of her and Zuo Hancheng standing together on the computer screen.

"Look what treasure I accidentally got. You're actually Vllen's wife."The man slowly retracted his hand under Anhao's guarded gaze, but his eyes actually looked a little smug.

"Who exactly are you?" Anhao didn't like the feeling of being the enemy in the dark while she was in the light. Since her identity had been exposed, she had to know what her current situation was.