Respect for Mr. Zuo (2)

Zuo Hancheng's eyes were calm and slightly cold. His voice was also light and one could not hear his emotions."Send people to secretly monitor them. As long as there is no harm to the Zuo family, there is no need to interfere."

D didn't understand the reason behind Mr. Zuo's decision.

Since Xu Chengfeng and Zuo Yue were related by blood, shouldn't this kind of ill-fated relationship be severed as soon as possible? However, as Zuo Yue's elder brother, Mister Zuo did not seem to have any particularly extreme reactions or actions.

"Is there anything else?" Zuo Hancheng glanced at him.

D was silent for a while and did not say anything else. He knew that Mr. Zuo's current physical condition did not have much energy, so he did not say anything more and respectfully left.
