He Won't Die (4)

Hearing D's words, Anhao's eyes instantly became more and more frightened. She suddenly turned around and looked behind her, her heart sinking.


What if it really exploded…

Gu Shishi was really crazy. If there was really a fire here and it exploded, what should they do?

Her and D's car was already the fastest car to escape. If there was really an explosion, no one in the farm would be able to escape.

However, the scene of Zuo Hancheng firing three shots into his shoulder in front of her kept popping up in front of her eyes. She was filled with the way he looked at her when he did not want to waste even a second and let D take her away. Her eyes were filled with the words he said when he knelt down in front of her and said that he owed her…

Why? Why?

If she had not met Zuo Hancheng back then, would she have harmed him to this extent?

Zuo Hancheng, you must be safe. You must leave this place alive. You must survive!