Woaini, I Love You (1)

After she came out of the hospital, Anhao held the test results in her hand and was speechless for a long time.

The blood test results showed that she was pregnant. The doctor from the gynecology department smiled and said to her,"You're indeed pregnant, but we'll have to wait for another month before we can know the exact condition of the fetus. From now on, don't eat cold food, don't eat crabs, and other foods that can easily cause miscarriage. Go back and read the general knowledge of pregnancy with your husband. You don't look particularly healthy, so you have to take good care of the fetus…"

He was not healthy because he had not really rested in the United States for the past two months. He had suffered countless injuries and hardships.

She had finally returned to A City safely and returned to the peaceful life she wanted. However, Zuo Hancheng was not around and she was pregnant with their child.