Woaini, I Love You (7)

"There's a very important executive meeting in the company next week. Aren't you going?"Lin Qing changed the topic.

Anhao was looking at the contracts and documents in her hands seriously. Although she was only responsible for signing them, Zuo Hancheng had transferred everything under her name. She was the property manager of Shengling Group in name, and she shared the status of a legal person with another legal person in the company. Therefore, there were many things that Mobai and Lin Qing did not have the right to sign, but they would bring them over for her to sign.

Every time Anhao signed a contract, she would read it seriously. Even if she didn't go to the office, she was very clear about the series of projects and business management in the company over the past few months. Lin Qing and Mobai were always happy to let her know everything.