He Really Came Back (3)

Anhao instantly laughed, but she cried while laughing. Her tears kept falling as she raised her hand to wipe them away. Lin Qing walked over and took out a tissue to pass it to her.

Anhao took the tissue and wiped her tears, but tears still fell after she wiped them clean. She suppressed the excitement in her heart and turned to look at the door that separated her and Zuo Hancheng. She sniffed and said,""Who says there are no miracles in this world…Zuo Hancheng is my miracle…"

D hid the smile and heartache in his eyes.

Perhaps there really was a miracle.

However, in order to achieve the miracle of standing in front of Anhao again, Mr. Zuo had experienced an unbearable pain when he was on the hospital bed for a few months with tubes and various medical equipment tubes inserted into his body. Perhaps only Mr. Zuo himself knew.