The Wind Asks the Moon-Stop the Boss 'Bleeding (1)

It was raining cats and dogs

Zuo Yue's petite figure ran out of the entrance of Boston Medical University. She forgot to bring an umbrella and could only carry the first aid kit she used for the pre-school assessment as she ran forward.

She finally ran to the side of the road, but she was drenched from head to toe. The rain was too heavy, and there were almost no pedestrians on the road. She was the only one standing by the side of the road with the first aid kit and looking around, trying to get a taxi. Fortunately, the first aid kit was waterproof, and all the things she bought to prepare for the entrance examination were not wet.

In the distance, a black Cayenne sped over. The water on the ground was splashed by the speed of the car. Although Zuo Yue was already wet, she instinctively wanted to retreat.