My Heart Can't Take It (20)

Zuo Yue quickly retracted her gaze and lowered her head to quickly eat her toast. However, because she was eating too quickly, she accidentally bit her tongue. She immediately hissed in pain and quickly took a sip of milk with a pained expression.

Xu Chengfeng glanced at her and then at the toast and jam on her plate.""Do you like sweets? How could such a sweet thing be applied so much?"

"Oh?" Zuo Yue swallowed the milk and looked up at him. She suddenly said,""My interest in sweets is actually not that great! I prefer spicy food! A few years ago, someone brought us a spicy hot pot from China. I ate it for a few days in a row, and my mouth was so spicy that it was bubbling. However, my family restricted me from eating such spicy things since then. However, I've always been thinking about the spicy hot pot in China. I can't eat authentic hot pot in America…"