Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon-This is a Warning (67)

Xu Chengfeng did not answer.

"If you don't want to lie down, sit here and don't move. The needle hole on the back of your hand needs to be treated. I'll call the nurse."He let go of her shoulder and turned to leave.

Zuo Yue sat by the bed and laughed lightly because he kept calling her a child. She still wanted to get up, but she staggered and fell from the bed to the ground.

Xu Chengfeng suddenly turned around and was about to help her up when Zuo Yue raised her hand to shake him off.""Don't touch me!"

"How long do you want to make a scene?" Xu Chengfeng did not give her the chance to be willful. He suddenly placed his hand under her armpit and was about to help her up.

Zuo Yue sat on the ground and did not move. Since she was just a child and she was the one who was being willful, then so be it.

So be it.