Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon-Spring Light (82)

Footsteps came from outside the door, but they didn't sound familiar.

Zuo Yue listened carefully as she drank the soup.

At the same time, Ainte's voice sounded from outside."Boss, are you really going to stay at home with Miss Zuo? Was he going to stay in the villa every day and act like a stay-at-home man?"


Zuo Yue couldn't help but spit it out. The person outside seemed to have heard the movement inside. Zuo Yue heard the sound of footsteps approaching and quickly got up to take out a tissue to wipe the soup stains on the table. In the end, her movements were too fast. Her hands lost their balance for a moment, and the soup in her hand, which wasn't considered hot but was still very hot, instantly spilled all over her.

"Aiya." She let out a low cry and jumped up.