Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon-DNA (109)

After entering the lounge, Xu Yuan looked at the phone in her hand again. After thinking for a moment, she temporarily put it in her bag. Then, she walked inside and placed the stack of documents on the table in the lounge.

When Xu Chengfeng walked in, Xu Yuan said softly,""I just thought that the girl was so scared to hide when she saw me that it was very strange. That's why I wanted to know who she was, so I was a little paranoid."

"I understand." Xu Chengfeng's tone was calm and emotionless.""However, I hope that you can understand one thing. Other than the problems related to the Xu family, there is no need for you to interfere in anything else related to me. You know my temper."

Xu Yuan chuckled and nodded with a sigh.""I know. Forget it. With your indifferent personality, Zuo Yue has been by your side for a few months. It's really a miracle that she hasn't complained to me again."