Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon (141)

After an unknown amount of time, that person flipped another page. He seemed to be engrossed in reading and was not as confused as she was.

Zuo Yue suddenly opened her eyes.

Xu Chengfeng turned to look at her."

"I can't sleep." Zuo Yue said expressionlessly.

Xu Chengfeng looked at her for a while and closed the magazine in his hand.""I have to sleep even if I can't. I don't know what I'm like now. The red veins in your eyes are so serious. How worried will your mother be when she returns to the United States?"

"Of course my mother is worried, because she's my biological mother."Zuo Yue suddenly turned to look at him. Xu Chengfeng, are you worried?"

Xu Chengfeng raised his eyebrows." Don't try to trick me. Hurry up and sleep.""

How could he look so calm?

Zuo Yue rolled her eyes at him and closed her eyes, but she was not sleepy.