Asking the Moon on the Wind (144)

Zuo Yue pursed her lips." You make it sound so easy. This is the first time I've encountered a life and death separation in my 18 years of life. I'm still not used to it.""

John Junior shrugged." No wonder. The older you get, the more you have to face life and death. You can't be down every time." Right now, we can still pretend that we are young and don't need to care about anything. We can only care about being sad, but when we grow up a few years later, there will be a lot of responsibilities that we need to bear. There will be no space for us to be sad."

"Like my mom? His father had died. He was clearly in pain, but he still had to face everyone."

"Something like that. Aunt Xu is a very filial daughter and a very great mother. My parents admire your parents very much. For so many years, our family has been getting along so well with your Xu family and the Zuo family."